All aboard the looney stop...crazytown...
In all honesty, that is why I write this blahg...
I do this not only to share with you what I am thinking,
but to make you think, hopefully in ways,
and/or about things that you may have never even let enter your mind before.
This, however, is so far out there...
I don't know if I can wrap my own conspiracy theorist mind around it...
and quite frankly, I wish somebody would prove it all wrong, so I didn't have to consider it...
But when people deliberately surround themselves in mystery and cloak everything in disguises, lies and innuendo...
I ultimately have no sympathy for those who bring this upon themselves...especially when the solution is (allegedly)just that easy.
Therefore, forgive me readers, for I am about to sin...
I am about to go where few have gone before...
to tread on thin jump in with both feet...
and I'm going to drag you there with me.
As many of you already know, I 'touched' ever so lightly and maybe even sneakily, on this theory in the episode
"I...had a Dream".
Which quickly become my most read episode...BY FAR...
That episode has been read by more than 500 people...from 15 different less than 2 weeks...
I think I hit a nerve...
I posed the possibility, however remote or 'out there' it may seem, that perhaps there is more to this 'birth certificate' thing than we are being led to believe.
Those who know me, know that I have long believed this issue to be moot, really for a couple of reasons.
The first being,... that just because Obama may have been born outside the U.S., does not constitute that he is not a 'natural born citizen'.
As an example.., if, say your parents, happened to be traveling the world, and for some reason, YOU happened to be born in say...Japan...YOU would still be a 'natural born citizen'...
Provided your parents were married at the time of your birth...
One of your parents is a U.S. citizen when you were born...
The parent that is a citizen lived at least ten years in the United States before the child's birth, and that a minimum of 5 of these 10 years in the United States were after the citizen parent's 14th birthday.
This is, as far as we know, all true in Obamas' case...
Thus.., in itself making the issue...moot....
With the one exception being that Ann Dunham was pregnant with Barack (allegedly) when she was 17 years old, therefore Barack was born when she was 18...which means that 14+5 is 19. If he was indeed born outside the U.S. this requirement technically was not met....
Second, I believed that since this issue was moot, the Obama administration had been deliberately keeping the Birth Certificate a 'mystery' or an enigma...
In a concerted effort to marginalize the opposition...
A tool, if you will, to make his detractors look like 'crazy right wing conspiracy theorists', which then allows him to label them, crazy, redneck, racists and/or as 'birthers'.
However..., with all this being appears a reader has 'corrected' me...and brought up the constitution...imagine that...
But over time...the skeptics have not gone away...
Mainly because the Obama administration won't let them.
From producing his 'certificate of live birth'
and newspaper announcements...both surrounded in controversy...including that the Hawaii Department of Health has refused to authenticate the 'COLB'...
and that Tim Adams, a former senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu in 2008...
"I managed the absentee-ballot office. It was my job to verify the voters’ identity."...He goes on to say...
During the 2008 campaign when the issue of Obama’s constitutional eligibility first arose, the elections office was inundated with requests to verify the birthplace of the U.S. senator from Illinois...
"I (Tim Adams) had direct access to the Social Security database, the national crime computer, state driver’s license information, international passport information, basically just about anything you can imagine to get someone’s identity," Adams explained. "I could look up what bank your home mortgage was in. I was informed by my boss that we did not have a birth record [for Obama]."
At the time, there were conflicting reports that Obama had been born at the Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu, as well as the Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women and Children across town. So Adams says his office checked with both facilities.
"They told us, 'We don’t have a birth certificate for him,'" he said. "They told my supervisor, either by phone or by e-mail, neither one has a document that a doctor signed off on saying they were present at this man’s birth."
To date, no Hawaiian hospital has provided documented confirmation that Obama was born at its facility.
The media 'reported' in 2009, that researchers found Hawaiian records were discarded in 2001 when the state's records system went electronic, only to have that refuted by Janice Okubo, public information officer for the Hawaii DOH, who later stated...
"When the department went electronic in 2001, vital records, whether in paper form or any other form, were maintained. We don't destroy records."
(click to enlarge)
And then there is of course the 'Kenyan' birth certificate,
which has been routinely ignored, pushed under the rug and declared a fake by any entity even remotely related to the Obama administration.
In September of 2010, the 'owner' or person who 'allegedly' procured the original document from a Kenyan hospital has sent this document and documentation of its procurement to EVERY member of Congress, entered it as evidence in a court of law, and sworn under oath to its validity...
That's weird....Did YOU know that ???...
The recent 'announcements' and 'promises' from Hawaiian Governor Niel Abercrombie, that HE personally would produce the long form birth certificate haven't helped either,
and have since been retracted.
Since September 11, 2001, Homeland Security made it mandatory for U.S. citizens to produce a physical birth certificate for anybody to get or renew a drivers license or passport...reproductions, newspaper clippings and personal references aren't good enough...
not even to play little league baseball...
Needless to say, some people are having a problem understanding WHY this President has not and will not put this to rest.
But this isn't the only document this President is withholding...
During the campaign, the Democratic Party DEMANDED that John McCain reveal his health records and recent physical...
because he was sooo old and they were worried he would die in office, and then used that ruse to scare the voters.
Then that same party and the Obama administration told the people they had no right to see ANY documentation on Obama...
Kindergarten records
Punahou school records
Occidental College records
Columbia University records
Harvard Law School records
Medical records
Files from his years as an Illinois state senator
Illinois State Bar Association records
Baptismal records
Adoption records
His law practice client list.
His records from the University of Chicago, where Obama, the instructor, supposedly taught.
His Illinois law license.
His Harvard Law degree.
His papers he wrote in law school.
One would think, that Obama would be proud of his amazing scholarly achievements, and enthusiastic about future students reading his outstanding law school work to shape and form their own opinions around his own works.
But instead we have not heard from ONE of his fellow students, claiming they 'sat next to him in class' or even remember him from campus...that in itself is strange.
WHY ?!?!!?!?! and more importantly, why aren't the people allowed to ask...
I am not sure, but I don't think there is a post modern President who has EVER kept any of this information from the people...for any reason.
In light of these anomalies, we now have to consider another hypothesis...
May I suggest, that because of the issues listed above that the Obama Administration is withholding the Birth Certificate not because it proves 'where he was' at birth,
but rather because of 'who he is'...
For this reason they continue to keep it concealed as a distraction, again to discredit his detractors...
and perhaps hide a different more formidable problem...
Perhaps Obama Sr., and or Frank Marshall Davis are not HIS father....
Perhaps they aren't hiding his birthplace after all,
Perhaps instead they are really hiding Obamas' true identity...
and then I came upon these photos...
I think we can agree that it doesn't take a rocket surgeon or a brain scientist to see which one of those people Obama resembles most...
Which then opens a Pandora's box of questions, coincidences, oddities, and circumstances...
That just don't seem to add up...and most certainly wouldn't have fallen into place for you or I, or almost anyone else for that matter.
Some of these issues have been asked since the beginning, But questions are only becoming more questions under the scrutiny of the light being shone upon them now...
instead of answers...
Uhhh,...I think it's tin foil hat time now...isn't it....
So it is here where we begin...
With a relatively innocuous question...
Why is it that Barack Obama was so generously helped by so many Arab and communist "friends in high places" long before he was a "somebody" ???
Sure it is well documented that he received dubious to say the least endorsements and funding during his presidential campaign...
But this goes even farther back than that.
We know that Obama was enrolled in a Private Islamic elementary school in Indonesia, where for some reason he learned the Koran.... not in Indonesian but in Arabic.
We know from his own writings that while in Hawaii as a young boy that Frank Marshall Davis, a prominent black nationalist and Communist was a major influence in the young Obama's life, and tutored him in the ways of revolution by leading black activists, Muslim activists, and Communist activists.
We know that after his first year at Columbia, he took a journey to the third-world, to Pakistan and East Africa...
which would later be scrutinized because he refuses to produce his VISA or elaborate at any length regarding this trip...Why is his 1981 VISA important...
We know he did travel to Pakistan in 1981, when there were travel restrictions to Pakistan in 1981...imposed by the Pakistan Government ITSELF let alone the US Department of State. Pakistan was under Martial Law...the American Embassy had been attacked and Americans were murdered in Pakistan.
How did he do that...???
Does his 1981 VISA say he's from another country...or somebody else ???
Why would important scholars and ideologues, fundraisers and extreme socialist and communist party activists, Arab and Islamic millionaires and billionaires from around the world...such as Khalid al-Mansour,
A close adviser to Saudi billionaires, and who represented top members of the Saudi Royal family, Saudi billionaires Abdul Aziz and Khalid al-Ibrahim, and Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, nephew of King Abdallah of Saudi Arabia....
Why would al-Mansour use his influence to personally ask Percy Sutton, a prominent black lawyer active in the civil rights movement who defended black radicals including Malcolm X in the 1950s and 1960s, to help Obama get into Harvard...?
Furthermore...why would a person of Percy Suttons stature then write a letter to Harvard for a young man, who by his own admission, was a 'C' student, a dope smoker...,("I inhaled, That was the whole point" he joked on the campaign trail)...
and a member of the Marxist Club at Occidental,
and then state that he believed a "genius" had applied to Harvard, when he supposedly had never met him ???
After he graduated from school with his law degree (allegedly), we know he was a lecturer at he University of Chicago...
We know that both Barack and his wife Michelle Obama graduated and earned their law degrees at Harvard Law School.
But what is NOT more commonly known is that in 1993 Michelle Obama 'voluntarily surrendered' her law license, and in 2008 Barack Obama 'voluntarily surrendered' his law license...
(click to enlarge)
This is not an insignificant issue...passing the BAR exam is a big deal...
Certainly the editor of the 'Harvard Law Review' who graduated Magna Cum Laude, from Harvard...,
A law professor who paid tens of thousands of dollars and hours to attain his license does not typically EVER
'voluntarily surrender' his license because he just didn't need it anymore...this is typically an action taken when a lawyer has been accused of something, and they
'voluntarily surrender' their license about thirty seconds before the state suspends or disbars them.
That's weird....Did YOU know that !?!!?!?...
About this time Barack becomes involved with Tony Rezko, a SYRIAN born real estate broker convicted of racketeering,
indicted for fraud and later arrested for bail violations who helped Obama raise his first campaign funds and helped Obama purchase this modest $2 million mansion...
Coincidentally right down the street from this guy...
Louis Farrakhan, the current leader of the Nation of Islam, (the same 'Nation of Islam' that Malcolm X belonged to),
who recently spoke of Obama as the "Messiah", and bragged about enjoying an 'open channel' of communication with him...
Which just happens to be in the same exclusive Chicago neighborhood where he launched his Presidential campaign at the home of these people...
Yeah...that's right Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn...
the co-founders of the terrorist communist group responsible for bombing the Pentagon, and New York police stations in the 60's, as well as helping the Black Power Movement organize the 'Days of Rage' riots in Watts...
It took 14,000 soldiers, and 1,500 police officers to end the rioting after 34 people died and thousands were injured.
Obama, and William C. Ayers, co-founder of the weather underground, served on the Wood's Fund board with Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi,
A confessed domestic Islamic terrorist, who is a harsh critic of Israel, and who reportedly has worked on behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organization while it was involved in anti-Western terrorism and was labeled by the State Department as a terror group.
And of course...we couldn't forget the 'Reverend'...
Obama's spiritual mentor of 20 years...the man who performed his marriage, baptised his children and taught him the ways of 'Black Liberation Theology'.
So what is it about this "illegitimate" bi-racial baby,
and later this young man, a self described druggie and underachiever, that paved the royal road to privilege and power for him...?
Paid for his Ivy League education, got him jobs and a home,
Got him selected to address the DNC in 2004,
raised millions of dollars for his political career,
got him into the senate in 2006,
Just what is it about Mr. Obama that after only 2 years as a junior Senator from Chicago, and on a record of 'present' votes, commanded hundreds of millions of untraceable overseas contributions and lauched him straight to the President of the United States...?
Out of ALL the other under-privileged, just how is it that Barack is the 'chosen' one...???
Was it his good looks and oratory skills...???
Or is it because he REALLY represents something quit a bit more...
Perhaps a lineage straight to "royalty" in the stew of black radical Islamic and Communistic politics...
Is he, in the minds of Progressive, Liberal, and Black Islam
'freedom fighters' of a generation ago, the 'prodigal son' if you will, the heir to THEIR throne, returning to the power they felt cheated of during their 'revolution' of the 60's...?
We know there is no record of his mother Ann Dunham ever being pregnant, no photos or records of visiting a doctor...
We know that Ann Dunham, (allegedly)delivered him in August of 1961 in Honolulu when official University of Washington records show her 2680 miles away in Seattle attending classes that same month? And we know that Ann Dunham left Barack many times, for long stretches, and that Baracks grandparents 'raised' Obama. We know that when his mother became ill and passed away, that Obama did not go to visit her.
We know that in 1959 Malcolm X travels to Middle East and Africa including Kenya, and meets Tom Mboya, and may have met Barack Hussein Obama Sr, who was Mboya’s close confident and fellow Luo tribesman.
We know that in 1960 Ann Dunham graduates high school...
in Seattle, Washington
We know that in 1960 Malcolm X forms the Nation of Islam Temple No.67, at 5943 Empire Way in Seattle, Washington.
We know that around November 1960, Ann Dunham becomes pegnant.
We know that in February, 1961, Barack Obama Sr., an already married father of 3, marries Ann Dunham.
We know that in August of 1961, the same MONTH that Obama Jr’s birth certificate says he was born in Hawaii, the University of Washington shows his mom Ann Dunham, attending classes in Seattle at the University of Washington.
We know in June of 1962, Obama Sr. was offered a scholarship (from Malcolm X's friend Tom Mboya in Kenya) to pursue a doctorate at Harvard,
and did not return to Hawaii until Dec 1971.
We know that Ann Dunham, Baracks mother, was socialist at best and that HER parents, Baracks grandparents, were both known to to be involved with socialist-communist causes and personalities,
and that Obamas grandfather indeed introduced him to Frank Marshall Davis...
We know Malcolm X was 'friends' with Frank Marshall Davis
through the Black Power Movement...
We know that Malcolm X, Fidel Castro, and Kruschev met at the Teresa Hotel in Harlem in 1960...
A meeting also reportedly attended by Barack Obama Sr.
Who boasted of rubbing shoulders with Malcolm X and a Cuban journalists.
We know that the Communist Indonesian President Sukarno invited Malcolm X to the anti-white, anti-capitalist Bandung conference in 1955...and we know...
Barack Obama went to a private Islamic grammar school in INDONESIA...when American citizens we not allowed to travel to that country.
We know that Khalid al-Mansour, the author of 24 books,
such as, 'Americans Beware! The Zionist Plot Against Saudi Arabia', and 'The Challenges Of Spreading Islam In America', and who is on of the 'suspected' ghost writers of
'Dreams of my Father', is also well connected with Saudi Arabian 'royalty', and who also currently represents OPEC...
Is the same Khalid al-Mansour who asked Malcolm X's personal lawyer Percy Sutton...seen here to left of Malcolm X...
to write a personal letter of recommendation to Harvard University, on behalf of the pot smoking 'C' average boy 'genious' Barack Obama...
We know that Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhne and their group the Weather Underground or Weathermen worked closely with the Black Power Movement of the 60's...and likely knew Malcolm X...
and that Barack Obama has worked closely with the Ayers on his books, as well as launching his Presidential campaign from THEIR house...
We know that Malcolm X was a member of the Nation of Islam,
the same organization that the current leader, Louis Farrakhan, and Obama neighbor boasts...
to have an 'open line of communication' with the President...
We know that Barack Obama spent 20 years in a church with The Reverend Jeremiah Wright,
who noted that he had been inspired by James Cone's
'Black Liberation Theology', which James Cone first addressed after Malcolm X’s proclamation in the 1950s that Christianity was being taught as "a white man’s
Cone affirms, "Malcolm X was not far wrong when he called the white man 'the devil.
We know that the Palestinian government, controlled by Hamas after winning the elections, held telethons to collect money for Obamas' presidential campaign...we know that Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon is controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood...
(click to enlarge)
And we know that Obama returned the favor when he BORROWED $400 million American tax dollars and pledged it to Hamas ruled Palestine...
We know that Barack Obama told us he would...
"I will stand with them (Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"...
-Barack Obama...'The Audacity of Hope' 261
We know that he received millions of of untraceable campaign dollars from Islamic leaders through online funds,
Was and is 'endorsed' by socialists', communists and the progressive elites..
and in concert with his 'handlers'...
Brilliantly used the system, to destroy the system...
Through fraudulent voters and early voting.....
We know that Barack Obama wrote, in 'Dreams from My Father', that his black revolutionary hero's memoir,
had done what no others had...
that “Only Malcolm X's autobiography seemed to offer something different. His repeated acts of self-creation SPOKE to me."
We know that it has been reported by director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, and longtime private investigator, Douglas Hagmann and Judi McLeod, a journalist and the managing editor of Canada Free Press, that prominent media people had indeed been threatened by the heads of major TV and radio stations and also Federal Communication Commission officials, with job losses and 'worse' to NEVER raise, allude to, or mention the birth certificate issue again.
WHY !?!???!
Why has it been reported that the Obama Administration has spent more than $2 million to keep this information from YOU ???
What could be the real reason...
Maybe we ALL have been duped...
By a devious plan that began to unfold decades ago...
a lifelong realization to seize the moment...
to surreptitiously grab power...through a bloodline...
A bloodline of Revolutionary Royalty...
Have we been tricked into 'choosing' Malcolm's certainly spiritual and possibly his biological son...
A 'Messiah'...
Whos life has been 'ARRANGED'...
To give the boy wonder a first-class upbringing and education,
Free from the burden of his fathers violent legacy,
His history as a convicted felon,
His fathers fate as an assassinated martyr,
All in order to give him a chance to realize the legacy his father and the radicals of the 60's never could...
To rise again and perpetuate his fathers principles of
'Social Justice'...
Through 'Revolution' from beyond the grave?
Did Malcolm X ensure his 'secret son' would be groomed for leadership, educated and trained...,
Learn the ways of Islam, and of revolution,
Be tutored by the finest socialist ideologues of his time, and the future, while being funded by Saudi and Syrian financiers.
How else would all these influential people,
The elites of Progressives, Radical Islam, Black Power, Communism and Socialism,
Who all share the same dreams, and walked in the same circles....,
How else would THEY know to reach out to help this particular unknown, undereducated young man....,
many before Obama was anybody of known importance...?
In the words of perhaps THE most famous radical symbol of that revolutionary generation...

many before Obama was anybody of known importance...?
In the words of perhaps THE most famous radical symbol of that revolutionary generation...

"The Future Belongs To Those Who Prepare For It Today"
-Malcolm X
Have indeed our "Chickens come home to roost"...
I don't know...You tell me...
Thanx for being here...
Please leave your comments, ideas, suggestions, and/or criticisms below...
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