I had struggled to write this edition for some time,
doubted myself...
Had I finally gone that far off the deep end,
(don't answer that)
I began to see it everywhere...
T.V. shows, commercials, movies...
I started to wonder...was I the only one who noticed this seemingly paranoid delusion...
And then I was watching a news program
and the broadcaster spoke of this very subject,
and I thought to myself...IT IS TIME...
I have labeled it "Stupid White Guy" syndrome...
or "SWG" syndrome.
It seems that at every turn, at every opportunity, the white guy has become the dolt...the idiot.
However, it not just 'white guys', and I don't think I am trying to make a case of outright misandry...because man bashing has been a constant comic staple.
But of late, it seems that the Stupid White Guy has become the dominate subject...
There are few if any examples on T.V., commercials or movie roles where the white guy is portrayed as cool, smart, romantic, suave, capable...
White Guys can't take care of themselves, are lazy slobs, can't cook or feed themselves, are incapable of attracting or keeping the opposite sex, and it seems are now constantly portrayed as white thugs, terrorists, while almost all gay relationship roles are represented as white men...
And there are few if any father figure roles where white men are portrayed favorably.
It just seems that if there is need of an unsavory or controversial character...
it is almost always depicted as a Stupid White Guy.
And the few cases where the white guys isn't portrayed in this fashion, it seems it is still meant to mock.
I don't know if it is because it's just that easy...
if it is meant to intentionally demean or change public perceptions, if ammunition is just so plentiful...
or if Stupid White Guys are the ONLY bastion left that can be openly mocked in this era of political correctness without fear of retribution ...without fear of a lawsuit, or picketing and protest from the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, NOW, PETA or whomever.
It just seems that after founding and creating the most prosperous, generous and free nation in history...
Liberating the world...
Putting a man on the moon...
with a car no less...
Somewhere between then and now...
the White Guy has devolved into the chump who just can't get out his own way...
Its a wonder Stupid White Guys EVER get married...
I mean they can't even choose cough medicine...
It's so easy a primate can do it...but not a Stupid White Guy...
They can't even have a party...
Trust him, you Stupid White Guy...He is a Docta after all...
hmmmm...maybe white guys can work at the party without screwing it up...
on second thought...maybe not...
all this work is making me hungry...somebody order a pizza...
and make sure they don't send that drug addicted loser Stupid White Guy to deliver it...oh...too late
I just can't put my finger on it...maybe it's that Stupid White Guy hygiene...
in contrast...
after watching this commercial...
I almost wish I was his man...
maybe it's because we all know...White Guys can't dance...
and evidently Stupid White Guys just don't know it yet...
and everybody knows ONLY Stupid White Guys need this...
the really funny thing about this is when you realize just who's size 14's Bob brings to the counter...thats right...the guy that obviously doesn't need this product...
I can't really put my finger on it...
I mean... the reason for this seeming free for all of castigation...
I guess the only hope for Stupid White Guys is to keep your white collar job that was 'given' to you...that is if you're not too white, too stupid or just a creep...
No worries....after you lose your job because you've just been stealing from your clients, (cause that's what Stupid White Guys do), you'll have noooo problem landing a new one, because you're such a huckleberry...
well now that you're a shopping cart wrangler...used to living on your white collar budget, you just can't make ends meet.
So you resort to this...
I defy you to find ONE ad by this company in which the thief is NOT a Stupid White Guy.
But since you are a Stupid White don't know that maybe you should hide your identity, or maybe pick a residence that doesn't know your name, if you're going to attempt a strong arm as you run away with your bleeding elbow, and she is getting called by a 'security professional' that looks like Barack Obama, maybe you'll remember that next time...
Now your on the you decide to go home and turn on some Stupid White Guy redneck Nascar...and you make it just in time for the public address announcements...
followed by a commercial...
then the wife comes've had a long day of cart wranglin, and failed strong armed just want to go away and take a break...until...
yeah...that's right she spent the money you both saved that would have paid for plane tickets, the hotel room, and dining....
to buy herself ONE dress...just grin an bear it you
Stupid White Guy...because we all know what happens if YOU spend the money improperly...
the fight that ensues afterwards sends you out to the bar with your buddy...but you have no money...
now you've talked it out over a couple of beers...and on the way home you stop for a bite to eat...
and eventhough it seems that sometimes she treats you like an...
You...being the Stupid White Guy that you are, think that arguing over money is stupid, and YOU can't live without her, so you plan a romantic evening to make it up to her...
let's just say that in true Stupid White Guy form...
that didn't go as planned...
Now your a little depressed, nothing has gone right for soooo long, you've had a long day of cart wranglin and failed strong arm robberies, so you stop to pick up a couple of beers on your way home...
Need I say more ???
Well at least we still have Rock and Roll...Right ???
WTF !!!!....well I guess the throw down is complete...yo...
the Holla back...West Coast...its off the hizzie...gangsta...
Tell me where I'm wrong...
but before you do...take ANY of the videos I have exhibited and replace the 'Stupid White Guy' with a woman...or a person of a different race...
then present your arguement...and tell me where I'm wrong.
thanx for being here...
Please leave a comment below and share this site with your friends...
Facebook can be a wonderful thing...
Peoples opinions are just that...THEIR opinions and it is great that people have them, and express them. It is not for me to argue their opinions, but to challenge myself to consider their opinions.
However, I do have a problem when opinions are not based in facts.
Facts that are either wrong, unsubstantiated, facts that are conveniently left out of the debate to falsley hold up your Opinion,
or worst of all, personal opinions posed as facts.
The other day I got into a rather innocent discussion with a friend regarding her being "unfriended" while light-heartedly discussing politics...this is how it went...
This started with a discussion about Sarah Palin and her qualifications and one person wrote...
"She lost me when she said polar bears aren't endangered. I think she's an idiot. =) She's a hunter, nothing is "endangered"...
to which I responded...
"it is now a scientific fact that the Polar Bear population has INCREASED over the last 20 years. Now that doesn't mean we shouldn't protect them, it just means that the left wing can't use them to scare you and mostly the children into their global catastrophe scenario...As for Palin, she is known in the Alaska legislature for not taking any crap and exposing the politicians who were on the take from the big business conglomerates taking advantage of Alaskas natural resources...that is why they don't want her as VP she will do the same to Congress and they know it... I am so sick of hearing 'she doesn't have the experience'...
Clinton was Gov of Arkansas that was enough to be President...
Obama was a junior Senator for less than 2 years and that was enough to be President...
Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer for Gods sake and THAT was good enough to be President...
At least Sarah Palin was Gov of the largest state in the Union...and that's not enough to be VICE PRESIDENT...
Well...another person, a third party if you will, decided to call me to the mat and wrote...
"BTW, Jimmy Carter was more than a peanut farmer..he was a nuclear physicist. The new deranged lie making the rounds is that Palin was just as qualified to be VP as Biden...That's some rich $h!t there!!"
You know me...I couldn't just let that I responded with some facts...
"Carter’s campaign claim" I wrote, "to be a nuclear physicist has long been proven just that...a campaign claim, that is apparently based on his having taken a lone one-semester, non-credit introductory college course. He completed a year long course in the field as part of his post Annapolis Naval training, and received NO degree...just because I can change a light bulb does not make me an electrician...nice try...He did however win the Nobel Peace Prize...but so did Al Gore and Yassir Arrafat...speaking of 'rich shit'...go figure"...
to which he responded with his OWN "facts"...
"Carter took graduate courses at Union College in reactor technology and nuclear physics, and served as senior officer of the pre-commissioning crew of the Seawolf, the second nuclear submarine.
Not quite as benign as you make it out to be Jim."...
But as Liberal Progressives like to do, he LEFT OUT some important little details...which I had to point out to him...
"true," I wrote, "he did take those classes, however records show that he did not complete those courses after the death of his father and instead took a course in the field as part of Annapolis Naval training, and received NO degree...
you wouldn't trust your life to somebody who took a first aid class and told you he was a doctor without a degree...
having no doctorate degree means he's not a doctor...
just as not having a degree in 'nuclear physics' means he's not a nuclear physicist...even if he did serve as an officer on a Submarine..."
Again, in true Liberal Progressive form he responded with...
"No, he's not a Physicist, but we'll have to meet somewhere in the middle...he also went beyond "one-semester, non-credit introductory college course". This started as a debate, as a referendum on Palin who obviously wasn't up to the task of being Governor of the largest state in the union. Quitting sunk any dreams of achieving higher political ambitions. Joe Miller whom she backed for Alaska Senator will likely lose when Murkowski's write-in vote are counted. She's shrill & she won't ever win the nomination & no nominated Repub will choose her as a running mate..I mean, they do wanna win afterall." he wrote...
It is the last response that is the subject of this episode...
The idea that if he is right there can be only one who is right,
but if I am right and he is wrong, I'm not right but we are BOTH wrong...
You see he acknowledges the fact that he is wrong when he says "No, he's not a Physicist"...which is the crux of the entire debate,
and yet in his next breath restates his failed argument by saying "he also went beyond "one-semester, non-credit introductory college course".
He then goes on to take his shot at Palin and "remind" me how this conversation started,
as if I was the one who had forgotten and falsely stated that Jimmy Carter was a "Nuclear Physicist"...
and then proceeds to tell ME that I have to "meet him somewhere in the middle"...
Just as we are hearing from the Liberal Progressives right now after losing the election..."we are going to have to work together and compromise".
After they stood at the podium for over 4 years, cramming their agenda down the throats of Americans, while telling everyone "there is no compromise we won"...
Now that the people have spoken and "reminded" them who they work for, its time for bi-partisanship and compromise because they weren't wrong, they just weren't wrong enough, and you are just too stupid to understand.
This man is telling you he is a socialist and that they need to hide behind their own (blue dog) moderates because they know their policies will never get passed by the American people unless they hide who they really are...they are literally arguing over who is farther to the left and blaming their unpopularity on the fact that they weren't Socialist enough...
Now let's just suppose Oh..I don't know...say George Bush...came out on the campaign trail and said "I saw a UFO" or "I'm a nuclear physicist"...what do you think would have happened ?
Would be arguing 35 years later that he really did or was ??
I think not...President Bush did say he was a pilot in the National Guard reserves and liberal progressives did everything they could to call him a liar, when he PROVED it, they called the proof a lie...and while they continuously called him an uneducated buffoon...
he informed them he graduated from Yale University in 1968 and Harvard Business School in 1975,
And yet, eventhough President Bush graduated from the same school as Barack Hussein Obama,
and unlike President Obama has produced ALL of his school records, President Bush is portrayed as an idiot,
while President Obama is "just to smart for the American people to understand and perhaps one of the 'smartest' presidents ever".
And speaking of intelligence...lets have a look at Joe Biden in regard to that "deranged lie making the rounds" about that "shrill" "unqualified" "bucket of fluff" Sarah Palin...
That's right, the same guy who said he's got a 3 letter word for you... JOBS...
and the same guy who when asked by a reporter what the address of his website was he said...
Huh ?!!?!? you forgot the NUMBER...of your website...
I got your back Joe..the number is 1-900-IMA-IDIOT...
I guess I would be embarrassed too if I forgot the phone number to my website...
You know when you make statements like "part of what a leader demonstrate that he or she knows what they are talking about...when the stock market crashed Franklin Roosevelt got on television...and said look here's what happened"...I would expect my overqualified highly educated Vice President to know that Herbert Hoover was President in 1929 when the stock market crashed, and that President Roosevelt, who took office in 1933, couldn't have gone on television because the television wouldn't be invented for decades...
And you would think that a mistake like that from an overqualified highly educated government official would be mocked on...oh say...Saturday Night Live or something, and repeated by the media at nausea...but I don't seem to remember THAT.
This isn't just one or two minor slips here...
remember "Thats a pretty big f*#cking deal Mr. President"...
Now "that's some 'rich shit' there"...if I may be so bold as to steal a phrase...
There is a pattern here, and it is obvious to those who choose to see it...If the left approves of you, you are "smart, intelligent and overqualified" but if they don't approve of you, you are a stupid backwoods idiot who is not qualified to run your own household. Just as they are doing to Sarah Palin and Christine O'donnell. Think about it, Sarah Palin is most remembered for saying "I can see Russia from my house". For the record...she stated that "you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska",
which is a true fact...
It was Tina Fey in a Saturday Night Live skit, impersonating Sarah Palin, who said "I can see Russia from my house". the fact is that Sarah Palin was the youngest person and the first woman elected Governor of Alaska. Before she was elected governor, she was a member of the Wasilla, Alaska City Council from 1992 to 1996, and the city's mayor from 1996 to 2002 and she chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Palin attended Hawaii Pacific University in 1982 and North Idaho College in 1983. She attended the University of Idaho in 1984 and attended Matanuska-Susitna College in the fall of 1985. Palin returned to the University of Idaho in 1986, receiving her bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis in journalism in 1987. Now I know it's not Harvard or Yale, but its not as if she is uneducated. And yet She is not qualified to be VICE PRESIDENT.
Yet, a "community organizer", part-time Illinois state Senator and a less than 2 year junior U.S. Senator,
who took a stand on almost nothing, by refusing to vote Yes or No, and leaving a voting record of "present" 130 times,
is "over-qualified" to be the PRESIDENT of the United States..., and just too smart for the American citizens to understand.
In the case of Christine O'donnell, we truly saw a campaign shamefully turned into a modern day witch hunt. I don't live in Delaware and therefore have no opinion either way on the character of Ms. O'Donnell, but the character assasination that took place was of epic proportions. The liberal progressives decided to be...well..."progressive", by reverting the campaign back to 1692 Salem, and literally called somebody a "witch" because of something she said in high school.
By the reaction of the Liberal Progressives you would think she came out during her campaign and said she saw a UFO or something...
wait a minute...I could swear some other politician has done that before...
oh yeah...that's right...
It was Jimmy Carter that came out to reporters DURING HIS PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN in 1976 and said...,
"It was the darndest thing I've ever seen. It was big, it was very bright, it was the size of the MOON. We watched it for ten minutes, but none of us could figure out what it was."
That's Ok though, its not like he came out and said he did magic tricks in high school or something...THAT would be totally unacceptable...
Christine O'Donnell actually lost the election to a candidate (Chris Coons) who wrote in his COLLEGE NEWSPAPER that he is now a "bearded Marxist".
Chris Coons is basically a self-avowed communist who is supported by the most extreme Marxist/Socialist/Communist organizations including,
the COUNCIL FOR A LIVABLE WORLD: Founded in 1962 by long-time socialist activist and alleged Soviet agent, Leo Szilard,
COLOR OF CHANGE – self-avowed Communist Van Jones and the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS OF AMERICA, who are also aligned with ANSWER, radical supporters of Hezbollah and Hamas.
the APOLLO ALLIANCE, responsible for writing Obamacare,
SEIU, who's motto “Workers of the World, Unite!”is one of the most famous rallying cries of communism,...does this look like Greece, Spain, France or England lately...
And yet that didn't matter,
He was just kidding...ya know because that's what you the editor, you let it be printed as your last article for your COLLEGE NEWSPAPER, right before graduation from COLLEGE, when you are at least 24 years old,
that you are a a joke...
But a high school indiscretion when you are 16 or 17 years old is just unforgivable...
That is apparently what the people of Delaware believe, making it clear that they would rather have a self-avowed communist represent them, instead of 'Christina the teenage witch'.
In California you literally can't get more "Left" without driving into the Pacific Ocean.
Their election, again funded with millions of union dollars ran the same course. Meg Whitman and Carley Fiorina 'dared' to challenge the progressive machine in battles with Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown for Governor and Barbara Boxer.
And the gloves came off early.
It began when Meg Whitman was demonized for letting an illegal immigrant housekeeper go when she found out she was illegal.
Again in true Progressive form, they chose to leave out key information, including that the housekeeper was employed through an agency who was supposed to verify the status of the employee.
This person was paid $23 per hour, for 9 years, as an illegal alien, whos social security number did she use?,
Just what rights is she talking about ?
how did she file her taxes?,
where is she now?
Why isn't she being prosecuted for ANY of her crimes that you or I as citizens would be ?
Why isn't this "news" today?
Why isn't the media and Gloria Allred following up on this "horrible abuse" of an illegal immigrant ?
Why aren't any of these questions being asked?
Could it be because they now need this story to go away before people demand answers to these questions and wonder why she hasn't been arrested or deported, making Gloria Allred look bad ?
In my opinion...if Meg Whitman was going to intentionally "abuse" an illegal alien housekeeper...she could have found someone to abuse for way less than $23 per hour.
A millionaire doesn't NEED to hire illegal cheap labor.
There are plenty of Americans who would be willing to be "abused" to keep her mansion clean for $23 an hour.
So eventhough the agency was responsible for verification,
and the housekeeper was found to be an illegal immigrant,
who lied about her College education and supplied forged and phoney documents,
Meg Whitman was still the badguy...
not the Agency who supplied the employee,
not the person who lied to officials,
but the only person who did the right thing...and to show what a horrible person Meg Whitman is, when she just "threw her out like a piece of trash", she didn't even report the housekeeper as illegal when she found out, so the housekeeper wouldn't be deported...
Which is perhaps the ONLY thing Meg Whitman DID do wrong in this whole scenario.
And when Jerry Browns staff called Meg Whitman a "whore" the media played it over and over again...
and instead of the media holding Mr. Brown responsible, we heard excuses about the context, who said it and that Meg Whitman was playing "dirty politics" by exploiting it...and then the media demanded Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown quit with the negative campaigning, again in true progressive form indicting both for ones discretions, after the damage is done.
Again...the idea that if they are right there can be only one who is right,
but if I am right and they are wrong, I'm not right but we are BOTH wrong...and I will just have to "meet them somewhere in the middle".
Only people in California would demonize two successful business people,
who worked their whole careers in the private sector,
EARNING all THEIR money, that THEY would spend on THEIR campaigns to run for public office...,
Only to be demonized for the amount of THEIR money THEY spent on THEIR campaigns...
Yet there were no investigations into just who was supplying the equal amount of funds spent by 2 career politicians...
who's (meager) salaries have been paid by taxpayers (you and I) their entire career.
Two career politicians who would not be questioned or held responsible by the media for the decisions and policies they made and created the past 35 years,
which literally have created the situation the state currently languishes in,
Only Californians would ignore this...
Now don't misunderstand me...this is not about who I endorse.
It is about the system, the battle, the techniques and the bias.
The game of fine lines and semantics...
The successful pattern seems to be...
do as much as you can get away with for as long as possible, all the while pointing the finger and accusing the other of what YOU are doing.
Something is wrong when we as a people ignore the obvious,
When we just can't believe that the truth might actually be the truth,
because we either don't believe that anybody lives that way anymore, or it is just so rare when people do,
that we can't recognize it when we see it...
so instead we reward the abuser.
I have never met anybody who would defend Mr. "Moonbeam" and I have only met one other man in my lifetime "willing" to defend Jimmy Carter...I have learned that debating Jimmy Carter and arguing with idiots is like debating which is better...a crap sandwich or a shitburger...
there are no winners, either way you're still eating shit.
We will start this with a quick little lesson...just so we ALL understand exactly how our Founding Fathers intended by design for it all to work...
How appropriate today...a "3 ring circus"...emphasis on the circus part. But the most important line is "that no one part controls the other"...a simple and beautiful system of checks and balances.
Enter the first "progressive"...stage far far left...
Our beloved president Teddy Roosevelt, is not widely remembered as a Republican; however, before becoming president in 1901,he was the leader of the Republican party, and founder of the "Progressive" Bull Moose Party of 1912.
He felt it was his duty to take whatever actions necessary for the public good. "I did not usurp power," he wrote. "But I did greatly broaden the use of executive power."
Roosevelt was focused on bringing big business under stronger regulation so that he could effectively "serve" all the people. One of his first "achievements" was to reduce the control of "big business" by neutralizing the Sherman Antitrust Act, which was enacted by Congress in 1890 to maintain economic liberty, and eliminate restraints on trade and competition.
Known as "The Father of Conservation" for his bringing about the National Parks system we all enjoy today, ironically Roosevelt and his entourage went on safari "in the name of science" and was responsible for the killing or trapping of over 11,397 animals, from insects to elephants. This included 512 big game animals, of which six were rare white rhinos. The expedition team ate 262 of the the name of culinary science I guess.
President Roosevelt and his Progressive cabinet believed in eugenics(think Obamas'science czar John Holdren, blog edition 2-14-10),
Roosevelt said, "I wish very much that the wrong people could be prevented entirely from breeding; and when the evil nature of these people is sufficiently flagrant, this should be done. Criminals should be sterilized and feeble-minded persons forbidden to leave offspring behind them." He and his administration then attempted the forced sterilization of the sick, unemployed, poor, criminals, prostitutes, and the disabled.
President Roosevelt accomplished many great things such as the Panama Canal, and is deserving of his lore and distinguished place in history. But he was also the harbinger of enormous government growth with huge overreaching taxation and spending to fund his ambitious goals in the name of the "average citizen".
Enter Woodrow Wilson, the "Progressive Intellectual President".(sound familiar) In his first term, President Wilson segregated the military for the first time and his Democratic Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act, Federal Trade Commission, the Clayton Antitrust Act, and the first "PROGRESSIVE" federal income tax. He was the first president to take over banks by creating the Federal Reserve, He was the first president to take over free trade by creating the Federal trade Commission, and then empowered the FTC to control Wall Street through regulation with the Clayton Antitrust Act, and he was the first president to TAX his citizens with the federal income tax. He created the mistake of the League of Nations, now the United Nations, and is remembered as an "idealistic internationalist".
This overreaching of the government was so unpopular that the nation elected an unknown Republican Warren Harding, in what was then the largest presidential popular vote landslide in American history since the popular vote was recorded in 1824: 60.36% to 34.19%.
It wasn't until a true conservative named Calvin Coolidge became president in 1923 after Hardings death, that Big Government was challenged. President Coolidge believed that "civilization and profit go hand in hand" and that "collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery". Coolidge cut federal taxation and spending, put tariffs on foreign imports, and reduced regulations to favor business. He also stated "Don't expect to build the weak up by pulling down the strong", and began his agenda of tax cuts,fiscally responsible government, with fewer regulations on business and commerce. This ignited an era of unprecedented growth and prosperity known as the "roaring twenties".
This would be followed up by the next self described "Progressive Reformer" Republican president, Herbert Hoover. Although he served under the Coolidge administration(which got him elected)he also served in Woodrow Wilsons administration and believed in what he called the "Efficiency Movement", or government intervention through "economic modernization". President Hoover believed the ("roaring twenties")economy was broken, and that government with "intellectual experts" was the answer.(sound familiar) He expanded civil service, expanded the Justice Department, organized the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, instituted prison reform, the federal Department of Education, and was an advocate of Prohibition. To pay for his government programs he implemented one of the largest tax increases in American history, and raised income tax on the highest incomes from 25% to 63%. The estate tax was doubled and corporate taxes were raised by 15%. He ordered Congress to "investigate" the New York Stock Exchange and then used the Clayton Antitrust Act to implement "reforms". He went after "big oil" and canceled private oil leases on government lands. President Hoover adopted pro-labor policies. He enacted wage controls and job sharing. He met with union leaders and negotiated a deal whereby industry agreed not to reduce wages and labor unions agreed not to strike.(sound familiar)This later led to Hoover signing into law the Davis-Bacon Act, which required local governments to pay union wages on public works projects, and signed into law the Norris-La Guardia Act that limited judicial intervention in labor disputes. It is argued that these policies triggered a freefall of two-thirds of the nation's gross domestic product over the two years that followed, making a bad situation even worse. Thus...just 8 months into his presidency the "Great Depression" was born.
Meanwhile across the pond as they say...European nations were recovering and rebuilding from WWI. Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Worker's Party (Nazi Party) rise to power in Germany in 1933, forming a "Progressive Fascist Regime". Mussolini's Italy and Hitlers Germany join forces in the early 1930's, and trample the "Treaty of Versailles" as the free world attempts appeasement, and understanding. By 1939 Russia appeases Hitler and signs the non-aggression pact with Germany and would support an attack on Poland. As its reward, Russia would be invaded by Germany and Italy two years later in 1941.
Hitler took full advantage of our eagerness to get along...
This is the Bund, February 20, 1939. Over 20,000 "American" citizens gathered at Madison Square Garden to "Honor" George Washingtons birthday...notice the the giant image of George Washington hanging in the background...
The German American Bund established two training camps, Camp Nordlund in Sussex County, New Jersey and Camp Siegfried in Yaphank(the Hamptons), New York.
Campaigning for(ironically)Social Justice, they were even able to convince some American citizens to accept their belief that they are special, that they are better than others, that they deserve special privileges.
Meanwhile, back in the states,
Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected to his first of four presidential terms in 1932. FDR is fondly remembered in American history, and being the "Romantic Progressive" he does not let "a good crisis go to waste". He immediately asserted new regulations on banking and finance by creating the Securities and Exchange Commission to regulate banks and stock exchanges, empowered the Federal Reserve by taking the nations currency off the gold standard. He created the Works "Progress" Administration, intended to offer immediate work programs for the unemployed, and created the entitlement program social security tax for the future protection of the worker in unemployment, sickness, and old age. He created the Tennessee Valley Authority to insure government control of the countries natural resources. He created the National Recovery Administration, the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, and the Public Works Administration, putting industry and agriculture under government controls through huge spending of public funds. President Roosevelt attempted to "reorganize" the Supreme Court in 1937, and campaigned to "purge" Congress in subsequent elections of the members who were not happy with government takeovers, entitlements, massive spending, taxation and disagreed with his "New Deal".
President Roosevelt enacted all of this BEFORE the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941. It wouldn't be until the "sleeping giant" is awoken that many of the chains of the "New Deal" are put on hold and the true industrial might of capitalism would create the most powerful nation the world has ever known simultaneously lifting the United States out of the "Great Depression".
It is the dream of Utopian society in the name of Social Justice through massive government control that squelched industry and growth, plummeting the "common citizen" into poverty, despair and hopelessness for over a decade. Creating a belief in society and future generations, that only the government can help you, because the citizens(you and I), left to their own devices, are greedy, irresponsible liars that can't be trusted.
Leftist ideals (Marxism, Fascism, Communism,and in the U.S. Progressivism)are all born from Social and Economic Justice... the "haves and the "have nots". It is this basic premise that is crucial to the justification of a "classless" society, and any idea that individuals are responsible for their behavior and its consequences. People of achievement are labeled as the"privileged", as if they did nothing to achieve their success. The "have nots" invariably are victims of an unfair society and become the "underprivileged", and are in no way responsible for what they do not if they were born into a society of Kings and peasants. "Social Justice" then evolves into programs such as "progressive taxation" and "income redistribution" and even "affirmative action" and "reparations".
So just what are we to think when we hear President Obama speak to his "progressive friends" in Congress during the state of the union address, or when we hear the Secretary of State say...
(Please disregard the commie rant at the end, its the shortest clip I could find)
Or when President Obamas' Communications Director Anita Dunn, at a graduation speech says to our children...
or when the Presidents Manufacturing Czar Ron Bloom says...
or when his Federal Communications czar praises Hugo Chavez and his "Democratic Revolution".
or when our elected officials tell private business...
or how about when a group that has received thousands of your tax dollars through the "stimulus package" says...
or when the President himself tells us who his friends are...
Now I know this might be contrary to what many people think, and I would like to say that not all of these people and policies are evil. But I do think it is important to see what the "words" mean and where they historically have have led. I just presented over twenty years of people and policies IN THIS COUNTRY who in their own words and actions agree that Absolute Power and Total Government are the answer to the United States and the worlds problem...controlling YOU. Under the guise of Social and Economic Justice some horribly evil things were justified and only later, through the eyes of history were the consequences revealed...
What do all of these human tragedies have in common ?
A government that created crisis in order to attain total control on behalf of its very own people. Government intervention into every aspect of human life. When you combine fear, hopelessness and hunger you get a nasty cocktail of Marxism, Fascism, Communism, Liberalism, and Maoism...which historically has resulted in generations being exterminated for the "common good".
In the U.S. the names have been changed to protect the guilty. With early "Progressivism", which became a dirty word and then became "Liberalism" only to become "Modern Progressivism" today, we don't march to this inevitable end, we take baby steps. We accept slow "progress" and advance one bloated government program at a taxation, healthcare reform, spreading the wealth, affirmative action, stimulous packages, bail-outs, bribes, union deals, special interest groups, steps.
We seem to have accepted that even with a Congressional approval rating of less than 20%,and over two-thirds of the PEOPLE saying NO, our elected officials still have no problem saying...
Keep in mind...That wall she's talking about "pole vaulting,or parachuting" over is YOU...the people are just in their way...
you just aren't smart enough to
They don't even know what's in it...but we're going to make it law anyway cause....
what !?!!? actually read it so that THEY, the lawmakers know whats in dare us presume THEY read it first...And just why do THEY need lawyers to read it? They are lawyers...sooo if THEY don't know what's in it or what it means...WHO WROTE IT !?!?!
who's the stupid one ??? The constitutional lawyer who just doesn't have the time... Or us for repeatedly electing these jackholes !?!?
That is why our founding fathers created the 3 ring circus. So that "no one part controls the other". A simply brilliant system of checks and balances based on...
That's right...the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They are not "outdated living documents that need to evolve" as the Liberals and Progressives would have us believe, but they are the RULES that our elected officials seem to have a problem following. The Constitution exists to keep government from becoming too big and destroying you and I, and itself.
How much of what you have read here in this edition, reminds you of what is being said and done today, not only by this administration, but by the previous 3 administrations as well ? How many times have you thought "oh why even vote...they are all the same" ?
It's because they are all the same.
We are the one of the most highly taxed countries in the world, and some of you live in one of the highest taxed states in the country. Ask yourself where your money is it going to fix your pothole ridden roads in California?...or is it going to unions, administrators and pension funds? Is it going to your teachers and schools?...or is it going to unions, administrators and pension funds?...Is it going to your police and fire departments?...or is it going to unions, administrators and pension funds? Think how many times you've heard...
If you don't vote for proposition blah blah blah we're going to have let your teachers go,...if don't vote for this prop. we're going to have let your policemen and firemen go. The highest paid administrators, who vote in their own payraises with your tax dollars, would never dream of not receiving their cost of living pay raise. But they are the first to cut YOUR services by "letting go" the lowest paid people that actually do the work, your firemen, policemen, and teachers, they just have no choice...because you just don't want to pay them.
You evil taxpayer you.
There is an old joke that's not such a joke now, it goes...
I hear they are letting CALTRANS workers go....
because they invented a shovel that can stand up by itself !...
but the real joke is that the unions would counter and say ...
you can't let them go....
somebody still has to stand those shovels up !
The real irony here, is that we will be the only people who taught our children that big government was there to take care of them...
and then VOTED our independence away.
And now a word from this episodes sponsors...
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Islam needs to understand THEIR fight is within...
Their religion of "peace" is intolerant of other human beings,
and has been hijacked by Islamic radical extremists who believe their way is the only way.
Islam screams for respect,
and unfortunately, the free world will not blindly
respect anyone, prophet or otherwise who cannot respect the individuals God given right to free thought, choice and belief,
enforced by their belief that I must follow or die...
If they cannot let me freely CHOOSE their belief because I believe it is right...
then they don't deserve my respect.
Mainstream Muslims need to fight back within their own communities
and weed out the small minority imposing their radical agenda on the rest,
Religious beliefs are a CHOICE given freely to all people,
and those being persecuted by secularism will demonstrate the need for tolerance.
However for tolerance to work, it must be reciprocal,
and tolerance appears to the intolerant jihadist as a weakness.
These depictions are only attempts at showing that those are your obligations to your Almighty.
I do not have to adhere to something I don't believe in,
just as Muslims don't have to adhere to something they don't believe in...
for example those who are NOT Muslim,
are not obligated to the Muslim call to prayer...
do they deserve to be put to death for that ?
Just as Muslims do not receive the body of Christ...
they do not deserve to be killed for that.
Therefore, harmless depictions of THEIR prophet from non believers should mean nothing to them...
These 12 cartoons sparked large and violent protests after a Danish newspaper published these cartoons of Mohammad.
Later the same year, a suspected al-Qaida suicide bomber attacked the Danish Embassy in Islamabad, killing six people.
These attacks in the name of Mohammed also include
the fatwa proclaimed by the Ayatollah Khomeini on Salman Rushdie in 1989 for writing the NOVEL "Satanic Verses",
and the shooting and stabbing death of film maker Theo Van Gogh on the streets of Amsterdam,
in broad daylight as he rode his bicycle to work by a man of Moraccan descent and bent on jihad.
Van Gogh, the great grandson of Vincent Van Gogh,
had worked with Somali-born writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali to produce the film Submission,
which was critical of the treatment of women in Islam.
On November 2, 2004 he was assassinated by Mohammed Bouyeri, a Dutch-Moroccan Muslim.
This type of indiscriminate violence demonstrated against innocent people who are NOT Muslim,
is the reason Muslims are seeing these types of responses.
which is more disrespectful...
or this...
which is more offensive...
or this...
Radical Muslims do not consider the people slaughtered in these attacks as innocent victims as you and I do...
In the eyes of radical Muslims they are ALL GUILTY, because they have not accepted Mohammed and Islam.
People do not draw these pictures or produce these films because they have nothing better to do,
or simply out of disrespect...
They are simply standing up for THEIR rights to freedom of expression and religion,
Not only for themselves, but for YOU and all religions
If radical Muslims are willing to take peoples lives and take away your freedoms (like facebook) for the acts of another,
What is next ?
Who will stand up for YOU when they decide they don't like what you have said ?
By telling non believers that they cannot draw a depiction
of THEIR prophet,
Radical Islam is attempting to impose their beliefs on
people in every country around the globe.
People EVERYWHERE should be to free to worship how and whom they please,
After all, it is YOUR eternity at stake, not THEIRS.
It is an eternal decision we ALL make.
You could be wrong,
I could be wrong,
Muslims could be wrong,
Jews could be wrong,
Christians could be wrong,
Buddhists could be wrong.
Truth is, no one knows until we get there.
and until the mainstream Muslims differentiate themselves from RADICAL Muslims ,
people of other faiths will continue their fight for freedom of expression and worship.
If any religion that forces people to worship in the name of THEIR God is wrong in the end,
they have condemned all the people they forced to believe their faith, to eternal Hell.
the difference is the rest of the free world
DEFENDS Islam by giving them the FREEDOM to believe
and worship as they please....equally EVERYWHERE !
And in return Islam defends ITSELF only....
by persecuting individuals and limiting access to information,
and by labeling non-believers as INFIDELS who DESERVE to be either converted or eliminated.
In countries where their clerics rule, no other beliefs, opinions or laws are allowed.
In countries based in individual freedoms,
you are free to build your Mosques, churches, and temples
and worship who YOU wish...
And Radical Islam is exploiting these principals at every opportunity...
This is the same man Anjem Choudary...
who lives off 25,000 quid a year of government assistence in Britain because he does not have a job...
After enjoying his life of SIN...
He now believes it is his right to impose Sharia on others...
the hypocrisy is astounding !!
Radical Muslims are systematically imposing their beliefs around the world by creating small pockets in the freedom based western world through Sharia law,
while using our laws of freedom of religion and expression to defend THEIR right to do so.
Muslim or Islamic law, is both civil and criminal justice, regulating individual conduct both personal and moral.
The custom-based body of law, is based on the Quran and the religion of Islam.
Because, by definition, Muslim states are theocracies,
religious texts are law,
distinguished by Islam and Muslims in their application,
as Sharia law.
However the western laws of individual rights prohibit you from IMPOSING your beliefs and religious laws forcibly on other people.
By design of the Islam prophet Muhammad, and HIS Koran,
Islamic or Sharia law is the control of the personal and moral life of the people who are bound to it,
and overreaches civil law or common law systems.
For example, in Sharia law, it is forbidden for post-pubescent women to expose their faces in public.
The use of alcohol and the consumption of pork are prohibited.
Because the governments are often theocratic,
any criticism of the government is taken as blasphemy,
for which the Sharia prescribes prison or death.
Sharia law often conflicts with common law or civil law jurisdictions, because of the cruelty and gender-bias of its content.
For example,
“In 2002, a Nigerian Sharia court sentenced Amina Lawal to be stoned to death for having a child out of wedlock; in contrast, the man named as the father denied responsibility, and as a result, the court dropped charges against him."
“In another case, teenager Bariya Magazu asserted that she was raped by three men and became pregnant as a result. Because she had sex outside of marriage, a Sharia court sentenced her to one hundred lashes, even though seven people corroborated her story. The men accused of the rape received no punishment."
“The extreme bias against women is apparent in sentences of adultery or fornication under Sharia. A woman is convicted simply by becoming pregnant, but a man is not condemned unless four people can testify that they witnessed the normally private acts of adultery or fornication."
“Countries such as Nigeria impose flogging, stoning, or severing off a hand ... all of which are deterrent punishments for serious crimes mentioned in the (Koran).” -2006 article published in the international law review of Loyola Law School at Los Angeles
And yet Muslims resent the portrayal of Sharia as medieval...
From the Koran, and from legal texts, Sharia law states...
While in public, women must cover their faces with a Hijab.
Men can have up to FOUR wives and can divorce (called talaq) at their option.
If they do not divorce their first wife but just abandon her, she is obliged to carry on as a married woman and cannot seek out another spouse without risking the traditional punishment for adultery: stoning.
Stoning is done in public by first wrapping a person in a blanket and burying them in a deep hole exposing their head and the population gathered around is invited to throw large stones at the adulterer, the size of which Sharia law prescribes, and a sentence always fatal.
The penalty after a fourth conviction of a homosexual act is death.
Adoption is not allowed. Adults can become guardians of the children of others but not the legal parents through adoption.
Sharia law prohibits dating and marriage between a Muslim and a non-Muslim and it is practically impossible for a Muslim (even a recent convert) to renounce the Muslim faith.
Any abandonment of the Muslim faith is itself a serious crime (apostasy) with severe punishment.
Sharia law has a stringent evidentiary requirement for eye witnesses, preferably from men.
Convictions for crimes cannot be based on circumstantial evidence alone.
Vagrancy can carry tough penalties such as jail and caning.
Many states which implement Sharia law have blasphemy statutes implementing punishments of prison or death to any person preaching Christianity or the distribution of Christian items.
Followers of Sharia law believe it to be divinely inspired,
as the word of THEIR God (Allah).
but...if you follow Mohammeds rules closely...
this is OK...
How anybody can justify this in their own mind is beyond me...
Muslims constantly point to the tolerance of “social problems” (homosexuality, crime and divorce)of other countries,
claiming these issues are the result of their western systems of law.
They then use these statistics to justify THEIR personally invasive Sharia as a deterrent that then allows the people and society to attain their true potential, as God aspires.
So while Muslim taxi cab drivers in Minnesota refuse service to people not abiding Sharia law...
and special bathrooms are put in airports and paid for by YOUR tax dollars so Muslims can wash their feet...
while a Muslim father executes his daughters in Texas for being "to western" in what is referred to as a "honor killing"...
while terrorist use Mohammed to justify the 9/11 attacks...
As a teacher has a Fatwa placed on her head for naming a teddy bear Mohammed in her class...
while insurgents use Mohammed to justify car bombings of innocent men, women and children...
As Muslim politicians use Mohammed to "wipe Israel of the map"...
and while this continues to get closer and closer to home....
They are OUTRAGED and DEEPLY OFFENDED by cartoons of THEIR beloved Mohammed...and demand the killing of the young lady declaring "everybody draw Mohammed day".
If YOUR religion believes that YOU cannot depict a picture of a prophet,
That is YOUR right,
given to YOU from YOUR Almighty,
It is not for me or anybody else to tell YOU what to do.
However, I may not believe in YOUR Almighty,
and I do not have to adhere to YOUR beliefs,
That is MY right
given to ME by MY Almighty,
And you do not have the RIGHT to behead ME
because I choose to do something YOUR religious beliefs deem disrespectful.
Tolerance, Freedom and Knowledge
are the three diciplines most difficult to allow...
because it empowers EVERYBODY,
not just those imposing the rules.
Christians are not strapping bombs on children and killing innocent people because they don't believe in Christianity...
Buddhists are not blowing up train stations or flying planes into buildings because people don't believe in Buddha...
Again, when MAINSTREAM Muslims decide to show the world the difference between themselves and the RADICALS,
respect will follow,
but right now the rest of the world cannot see the difference.
The glaring difference is that
Christians, Jews and Buddhists are prepared to die for their faith..
Radical Muslims are prepared to KILL YOU if you don't believe in their faith...
Christ and Buddha led a life of purity,
leading and living a life of peace, love, tolerance and understanding through example,
Mohammed led a life of destruction,
leading and living by terror and fear, with adultery, pedophilia, and murder....
it's not such a tough call....
The only judge for you should be your Almighty,
not some religious zealot. honor of all that have gone before,
In honor of the Theo Van Goghs,
the cartoonists and Kurt Westergaard,
Dutch politician Geert Wilders,
In defence of the young lady calling for "everybody draw Mohammed day",
I stand with them.....
Stand up...while we still are able...
In honor of all those who fight in our name,
and defend all of the freedoms we take for ganted,
and enjoy everyday...
I ask you to remember this...
1:27 And on the sixth day God created man,
male and female created he them.
1:28 And God blessed them...
- the book of Genesis
It is with those words that I stand up and hope YOU will stand with ME and defiantly proclaim....
Hey...I have an idea...
how about you believe in your Almighty, and I'll believe in mine,
and when we get to the other side we can shake hands and I'll buy you a beer.
It's called tolerance and freedom,
Radical Muslims should try it on sometime...
it will look good on them.
With that I invite you to now enjoy some Blasphemy with me...
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Disclaimer: I include videos because I believe it is important for you to hear these things from the source.
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I try to pick the most concise videos available and sometimes they do not come from the sources I would prefer. So please dismiss some of the whacked out references they may contain, and consider what the person is saying or why the video has been included.
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