Monday, March 22, 2010

The Color Purple

I wonder if Home Depot and Lowes are having a run on purple paint ?

I put this snippitt on a few blogs back...but NOW it means so much listen once more and pay close attention right around the middle...

"We are going to paint the nation purple with SEIU"...
Mr. Obama is making this "promise" during his campaign...

just what kind of agenda is being promised here...

Interesting, this blog published on 3/21/10 featured this video of Nancy Pelosi stating her intent to Tax healthcare and raise taxes on ALL Americans to pay for Obamacare, and NOW it is for "private viewing only", why ???...because they don't want you to hear it from their own mouths...another disgusting display of censorship and the outright extremes the most "transparent" Congress will go to to keep YOU from hearing the truth.

has anybody noticed that every time somebody from this administration speaks about Healthcare reform they are wearing a purple tie, purple shirt, or ensemble like the one Nancy Pelosi wore on the Senate floor after her "historic" victory...or the outfit she wears here in this interview...Geez even the "impartial journalist" doing the interview here is wearing a purple tie...
President Obama says in the first snippitt "I still have my purple windbreaker"...

so just who is the SEIU...

Whatta ya say we meet Andy, and see what he's all about...

oh...bribing the bribers with bribes for the "progressive voice"...a little arm twisting here, kneecap crackin there...
and that's just Pelosi, Reid and Obama...

that's right...the "unions are the solution to the gap between the rich and the rest of the population...and sharing in the wealth..."
How's that working out for General Motors and Chrysler ??? It appears at this point that they may have "shared" a little too much of the wealth.
He sure is good with words though, that "free choice act" he talks about...
WAS called "CARD CHECK"...
but that just sounded so negative...

Now, being a person who once belonged to the SEIU, let me share a little first hand experience with you. I worked for a major healthcare provider in California. One month before the 1998 mid-term election of the Clinton Administration, all union employees were required to attended a mandatory union meeting, where projected on the screen was a filled out copy of "what your ballot should look like when you are done voting". Being my first such meeting, I unfortunately "accidentally" raised my hand and asked... "is it legal for you to tell us how to vote?" Their response was "we aren't telling you how to vote, we are only saying that this is what your ballot should look like."
If that's how they feel about a ballot in a national election, how do you think they feel about ballots when they walk into a non-union workplace, and demand a union vote ? Without a secret ballot they know who voted for the union, and who voted against the union...
If the workplace votes to unionize....
and lets pretend YOU "accidentally" voted against the union,
do you think YOU would be represented fairly by the union ???
I'm just asking....
But he continues on...
and no longer, as he so eloquently put it, "are they male and pale"...
it's all about freedom and about diversity...

Here he gives us the next thing on the SEIU/Obama agenda....
bringing the poor oppressed "migrant workers out of the shadows",
that's right these guys...who obviously are so fearful, that they are literally marching "IN THE SHADOWS" of downtown Chicago's skyline...

These people are protesting in almost every major U.S. city, chanting in another language while waving the Mexican flag, for amnesty (immediate citizenship)for all undocumented workers...
like this guy...

I keeed...I keeed
and these people...

"DEMANDING immigration reform" because they "are the backbone of the economy" and they "actually feed this entire country". And what is "really required" is that they "show their political force" !!!
What ??? Really ???
According to this lady WE can't feed ourselves now, and without them bleeding our government resources dry, this country would just collapse around us...
Kind of like the country they just left !!!
Illegal immigrants actually suceeded in silencing an American citizens free speech rights, and contributed to his departure from a major news network.
What outrage would there have been if the U.S. government "showed their political force" by enforcing immigration laws at end of these peoples protest marches,(since they are all conveniently gathered in one place), and all undocumented immigrants were placed on a bus and sent back to their respective countries of origin ???

I doubt the Mexican-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Latino-Americans, MS13-Americans, or Chicano-Americans would be so emboldened to "come out from the shadows"!

The vast majority of Americans believe that immigration is perfectly fine...
as long as you get in line behind everybody else who has been following the rules to become a citizen legally...not by IGNORING our laws, and EXPECTING our rights. But by learning our language and systems, while trying to embrace being an American...just like my ancestors and undoubtedly your ancestors did....

Now these Mexican-Americans are also rallying for what is called the "Dream Act". The Dream Act sounds so sunshine and lollipops...
well it is actually a law being debated that would allow undocumented illegal immigrant students the "right" to pay "in state tuition fees" and quaility for financial aid for college.
You, as a natural born American citizen, have the "right" to pay "out of state fees"...
if you have the audacity to apply for a college IN ANOTHER STATE!!!

Listen as California Senator Cedillo talks about how
"the problem isn't the students, the problem is the system"...

Did you catch that about half way through ? This SENATOR actually boasts about breaking the law when he brags about the "students that work for him as interns and staff" and that he "finds ways for them to get paid"!!!!
Again our tax dollars hard at work, not only for a Congressman with no regard for the law or the people he represents, but you can bet it was YOUR tax dollars that he "found a way" to PAY the illegal immigrant "interns and staff" with.

I wonder if Mexico would be as patient and forgiving of illegal immigration....HMMMMMMMMMM...

There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools.
No special ballots for elections.
All government business will be conducted in our official language.
Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote
Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office.
Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers, (i.e. welfare, food stamps, health care, or other government assistance programs).
Foreigners may purchase land and properties; however, those options will be restricted, (i.e. they will not be permitted to purchase waterfront property. This is to be reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.)
Foreigners may not protest, (i.e. no demonstrations, no waving a foreign flag, no political organizing).
Foreigners who choose to enter Mexico illegally will be prosecuted and jailed.
No other flag will fly with the national flag.

Gee....that doesn't sound very tolerant now does it ?!?!?!
But I'm sure if we illegally entered Mexico, marched through their streets, and gathered at their capital to "DEMAND reform" by "demonstrating our political force",
they would be OK with that, and there would be no problems...

So why this sudden obsession with the unions to unionize non-union workplaces, to pass nationalized healthcare reform, and amnesty for illegal migrant workers ?
It's actually pretty obvious.
Let's say the union movement succeeds in unionizing an additional 1/3 of all non-union workplaces in the next couple years, the Obama Administration passes amnesty reform, and that Nancy Pelosi is correct when she says that the Healthcare bill which just passed produces "4 million new jobs".
A little quick Liberal math here...

Now for all of us uneducated fear mongers full of hate who actually manage to balance a check book every month...we'll do it with "simple addition"...

4 million newly unionized healthcare workers...

+ lets say conservatively 1.5 million newly unionized workers after the "free choice act" is enacted...

+ another 15 million illegal immigrants after amnesty passes...

= over 20 million new votes for the "Progressive Agenda".

I guarantee that no union healthcare worker will vote their job away by voting for any candidate dedicated to repealling healthcare reform...
The unions will "own" at least 90% of all unionized worker votes, strictly out of fear, after the union bosses "suggest what their ballot should look like"...
While the Progressive, Liberal, Socialist, Commicrats will have the "love" of the immigrant workers vote because they made them all citizens overnight.
Then add in all the "educated" college students, who have been taught the Liberal agenda since kindergarten and have already helped elect this administration into power....
Stir gently, and let simmer...
And VIOLA...
You have an enormous, over 20 million person voting block which will be almost impossible to overcome in any election in the future.
I contend that this is why everything is a "CRISIS". This administration must pass as much of this agenda as possible BEFORE the mid-term election, because they know they will not have the majority after November. This was their 2 year window to....

And just in case you don't think they are serious,
here's another snippitt which I aired in the "lets play connect the dots" episode...
listen carefully at about the 45 second mark...

And if that's not scary, creepy or thug enough for you...

Is it a coincidence his last name is "STERN" ?....
I think NOT !!!!

Is your face purple with anger,
is your tongue purple from biting it to keep your mouth shut...
are you seeing purple with rage yet ?!?!!?

Maybe you should be....

and now the weather....

and finally a word from this episodes sponsor...

thanx for being here...please leave a comment below

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